By KWGS News
Tulsa, OK – he symposium is held each year, rotating between the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the University of Tulsa. The Brock International Prize in Education laureate comes to Oklahoma to share information and ideas from their work. The symposium includes a public lecture and discussion centered around the work of the laureate. This year's symposium will also include a tour to area community schools. Educators, students and the public are invited to the symposium.
Since 1990, Geoffrey Canada has been President and Chief Executive Officer for Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ). Under Canada's leadership HCZ has committed to doing "whatever it takes" to build an infrastructure of support and structure around the children who live in this most blighted area so they can profit from a quality education. HCZ serves 10,000 children from poverty at 20 sites within 100 blocks. His programs combine educational, social and medical services that begin at birth and continue support through college graduation. The now-popular Community School initiative that is quickly spreading around the country has adopted the philosophy and practices of Canada's Harlem Children's Zone and is helping other communities accept responsibility for ensuring educational success. Canada brings hope for the future by bringing new insights and possibilities surrounding effective education in areas of urban poverty in America.