Oklahoma Forestry Services will be in downtown Tulsa tomorrow selling seedlings. It’s one stop in a month-long, statewide truck sale for conservation purposes like erosion control.
Nursery manager Scott Huff says the minimum order is 100 seedlings.
"We have several varieties of pine trees. We have several varieties of oak trees. We have shrubs. We have lacebark elm. There's several different varieties that we have," Huff said. "You know, Oklahoma's a great state, and it's pretty big, so we try to provide a little bit of everything that will grow throughout the state."
The agency is selling trees at cost for people to use for conservation purposes such as windbreaks, wildlife habitat and erosion control.
"We look at trees as being a tool to help conservation," Huff said. "Not a catchall and endall of everything we do, but trees are — if used properly — a good tool to help enhance these things."
The sale will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the M.e.t. Recycling Center, 1101 S Cincinnati Ave. Huff said 100 trees cost about $88, and they come in bundles of 50.