The Vision 2025 sales tax is set to expire soon, and Tulsa city councilors want to look at more options for a possible renewal.
The city’s river and public safety task forces have mentioned the possibility of partially renewing the Vision sales tax for funding. Councilor G.T. Bynum has asked fellow Councilor Blake Ewing to work with the mayor’s office on identifying a possible economic development idea to be funded by a Vision renewal.
"The original purpose of Vision 2025 was an economic development engine, and we haven't — at least I don't think — had as much of a focused discussion on economic development," Bynum said.
"I'm also suggesting this because I'm cognizant of the fact that Councilor Ewing and the mayor have somewhat different approaches to what's best for economic development, and I think if they can find areas of agreement, then we're going to be hitting a sweet spot in that regard," Bynum said.
Mayor's Chief of Staff Jarred Brechja said an economic development proposal has been left behind.
"We have a lot of work to do to catch up to the river and the public safety portions of this discussion," Brechja said. "We're happy to do that and engage in whatever ways we can."
While specific amounts for public safety and river projects haven’t been determined, the mayor’s public safety proposal would extend two-tenths of a cent of the sales tax.
The voter-approved tax expires at the end of 2016.