Tulsa Public Schools is the latest entity to offer a financial incentive to employees to encourage them to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Fully vaccinated TPS employees will get one-time, $500 stipends. The district will pay for the incentive with its federal virus relief funds and will come up with a process for employees to submit proof of vaccination before the end of 2021.
The incentive was part of the TPS board’s consent agenda Monday night and was not discussed. The district did not make anyone available to comment on the incentive Tuesday.
Oklahoma City Public Schools announced a similar incentive in August, and employees there have until mid-November to show they’ve been vaccinated. The City of Tulsa is offering employees $250, with another $250 if at least 70% of their department gets vaccinated.
The TPS board also approved on Monday a one-time, $750 COVID stipend for employees "to ensure continuity of essential services in operations, maintenance, talent management and transportation."