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ST Medical Monday: "What Should Hang on the Walls of a Hospital?" (Encore)

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Aired on Monday, November 15th.
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The London-based curator and writer Lou Stoppard joins us to discuss her latest New Yorker Magazine article: "What Should Hang on the Walls of a Hospital?"

(Note: This interview first aired back in August.) Ever happen to look at a painting on the wall of some hospital and wonder: "Who chose THIS picture? And why is it hanging HERE?" Our guest is the London-based writer Lou Stoppard, who writes about style, trends, and culture for The New Yorker and other publications. She joins us to discuss her latest New Yorker article: "What Should Hang on the Walls of a Hospital?" As the subtitle of this fascinating piece notes: "Patient advocates agree on the palliative effects of art. But they differ on what that art should look like."