Our guest is Dr. William Davis, the renowned preventive cardiologist and author of the bestselling "Wheat Belly," which first appeared in 2014, and which is widely seen as one of the most important nutrition-centered books of our time. ("Wheat Belly" showed that the wheat and grains we eat today are not the same wheat and grains of our ancestors...and that today's wheat and grains are making us ill and overweight.) Dr. Davis joins us to talk about his new book, which advances the game-changing idea of the human microbiome as well as the silent yet very serious epidemic of SIBO ("small intestinal bacterial overgrowth"). "Super Gut" argues that the typical American's highly processed diet, the widespread use of pesticides in our society, and the omnipresent overuse of antibiotics have all combined to create an alarming reality: namely, that our bodies are totally lacking many of the good bacteria they require to be healthy. And therefore many of us have lost control over health, our weight, our mood, and our behavior.
"Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight"