In December, Abby Kurin, who's our guest on StudioTulsa, began her tenure as the managing director of the OKPOP Foundation. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) that was created to support the operation and mission of OKPOP, the statewide pop cultural museum on North Main Street in downtown Tulsa that still needs to raise an estimated $30 million before its doors can open officially. As Kurin tells us today, she will lead fundraising efforts while also steering the development side of things in order to locate and access charitable funding sources, corporate sponsorships, and the like. The overall goal, she adds, is for OKPOP to open -- as a completed, public museum -- by the end of 2024. (Most recently, Kurin was the executive director of the Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts, & Culture, a position that reports to the Tulsa Regional Chamber.)
Re: OKPOP, an update on the not-yet-open museum's current fundraising and development efforts