Our guest is Dr. Bob Pickering, the interim dean of McFarlin Library here at TU; prior to his retirement, he taught anthropology for many years at this university. Dr. Pickering joins us to discuss an interesting book for which he has contributed notes, scholarship, and an introduction. That book is a small volume -- an annotated autobiography, basically -- depicting the life of a solder named Jacod Adams (who died at 82 in 1934). In June of 1876, at the Battle of the Little Bighorn -- a/k/a the Battle of the Greasy Grass, a/k/a Custer's Last Stand -- Private Adams was serving as a member of the 7th Cavalry. His memoir (or at least parts of it) were first published in the early 1900s; it's now appearing in a new edition titled "Boys, You Done Well to Hold 'Em."
Dr. Bob Pickering's new book depicts a U.S. Army private who witnessed Custer's Last Stand

"The Custer Fight" (1903) by Charles Marion Russell
A lithograph from the U.S. Library of Congress: Prints and Photographs Division