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From Paris and NYC to your nose and wallet --- the global perfume industry. (Encore presentation.)

By Rich Fisher

Tulsa, Oklahoma – (Note: This program originally aired earlier this year.) Chandler Burr has a one-of-a-kind job --- he's the scent critic for "T: The New York Times Style Magazine." He's our guest on StudioTulsa today; his latest book, called "The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York," is just out in paperback. This book tells the story of the global perfume scene --- an over-30-billion-dollars-per-year industry, which provides the lion's share of the profits for the still-larger international fashion industry. In his study, Burr profiles two fragrance creators working on two different scents: their creation, perfection, marketing, and so forth. (One creator is a French scientist named Jean-Claude Ellena, the other is movie star Sarah Jessica Parker.) As we discover, "The Perfect Scent" presents a quite fascinating story --- part Hollywood, part Chemistry 101, and part "Vogue" magazine --- about science, artistry, money, style, risk, loss, and big business.

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