Our guest on this installment of ST is Richard Blackett, the Andrew Jackson Professor of History at Vanderbilt University, who joins us by phone. Professor Blackett will soon deliver the 2013 Barnard Lecture, which is annually presented by the TU History Department; his free-to-the-public lecture is entitled "Into the Belly of the Beast: The Southern Arm of the Underground Railroad." PLEASE NOTE that this lecture was originally set to occur tonight at 7pm at the Lorton Performance Center on the TU campus, but (due to weather-related travel delays) the lecture is now scheduled to happen TOMORROW NIGHT (as in, Thursday the 21st) at 7pm at the Lorton Performance Center. A co-editor of the "Antislavery, Abolition, and the Atlantic World" series of books from Louisiana State University Press, Professor Blackett is himself the author of several books on the trans-Atlantic abolitionist movement and the efforts of certain African Americans to win international support for their battles against slavery and discrimination. (His most recent book is "Divided Hearts: Britain and the American Civil War.") As Professor Blackett explains on our program today, while most people tend to think of the Underground Railroad as a "Northern phenomenon" of nineteenth-century American history, there were, in fact, many brave souls who went into the Southern states --- or else who funneled money, connections, or other means into the South --- with the explicit aim of helping slaves escape to freedom.