The brilliant Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), the great American critic, fiction writer, poet, and satirist --- that famously witty (and frequently scathing) author whose many memorable assertions include "I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true" and "if all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised" --- is now back in business. That is, she's cracking wise all over again, in a manner of speaking, in a new book. Our guest on this encore edition of ST is Ellen Meister, a novelist who teaches creative writing at the Hofstra University School of Continuing Education. Meister's latest novel is called "Farewell, Dorothy Parker" --- and in it, Mrs. Parker is a ghost who incessantly taunts, inspires, amuses, teaches, or annoys the book's main character. Also on our program today, Dr. John Henning Schumann of the OU-Tulsa School of Community Medicine offers a commentary about Alzheimer's Disease.
"Farewell, Dorothy Parker" --- The Sharp-Tongued Scribe Returns in a New Novel (Encore Presentation)