On this edition of The Best of StudioTulsa, we're listening back to our chat with A. Scott Berg, whose bestselling, highly regarded biographies include "Max Perkins: Editor of Genius" (winner of the National Book Award), "Goldwyn," "Lindbergh" (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), and "Kate Remembered." Berg's newest book is a life of America's 28th President, Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) --- it's titled simply "Wilson" --- and the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram calls it "a work of spectacular artistry and objective workmanship.... [This book] should be required reading for any course of study that examines American history after 1865.... Berg's illumination of the president's humanity is riveting.... [A] treasure." You can read more about this book, and can also hear a free, on-demand "stream" of our entire interview with Berg, at this link.
Best of ST in 2013: Biographer A. Scott Berg Offers a Life of Woodrow Wilson