"Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec --- Album" is a richly varied and lovely-to-look-at exhibition on view at the Philbrook Museum of Art here in Tulsa through May 11th. As we read of this show at the Philbrook website: "Design is a complex process in which numerous problems must be solved. Yet even in the age of computers, drawing remains an indispensable tool for many designers, allowing them to capture spontaneous ideas on paper and develop an individual formal language. French brothers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec are among the most significant designers practicing today. 'Album' focuses on their drawings, which are independent works of art [and] important steps in their creative design process." Our guest on this edition of ST is Michael Darling, the Chief Curator of Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art, who'll be lecturing on the creative works/methods/approaches of the Bouroullec brothers tonight (Thursday the 27th) at 6:30pm at Philbrook. You can learn more about Darling's upcoming talk at this link.
From Drawings to Designs: The Philbrook Museum of Art Offers "Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec --- Album"