Our guest on this edition of ST is Charlotte Ponticelli, the recently named Program Director for the American Committees on Foreign Relations, who was a guest of the Tulsa Committee on Foreign Relations last night. At that event, she gave an address entitled "The Status of Women's Rights in Afghanistan." Ponticelli is an international consultant as well as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of America. She has more than twenty years' experience working for the U.S. Government, serving most recently as Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs at the Department of Labor and Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues at the State Department. She's also worked as a Senior Advisor for the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and as the Director of Human Rights in that Department's Bureau for International Organization Affairs. Ponticelli is also a member of several boards and organizations, including the Bayat Foundation, the Initiative to Educate Afghan Women, and the U.S.-Afghan Women's Council. She joins us to discuss the key issues and ideas informing the talk she gave last night. (You can learn more about that talk here, by the way.)
"The Status of Women's Rights in Afghanistan"