(Note: This interview first aired earlier this year.) Family secrets. They're as common and as varied --- and as much a part of life --- as are families themselves. Such secrets, those we keep and those we discover, greatly influence who we are and how we live. And our guest is an expert in this regard: Jane Isay is a writer (and former book editor and publisher) whose previous works include "Walking on Eggshells," about parents and their adult children, and "Mom Still Likes You Best," about adult siblings. Isay joins us to discuss her new book: "Secrets and Lies: Surviving the Truths That Change Our Lives." As Robin Marantz Henig, a contributing writer at The New York Times Magazine, has noted of this book: "Isay starts by baring some secrets of her own --- which is only fair, since this wonderful book abounds with stories of other people's secrets that are closely-guarded and, when revealed, deeply unsettling. She explores the full range of secrets people keep --- using tricks ranging from well-intended white lies to self-serving and even vicious deceptions --- and the full range of reactions when you find out you've been lied to for years. 'You don't know what you don't see until you are forced to see it,' Isay writes. A fascinating book."
"Secrets and Lies: Surviving the Truths That Change Our Lives" (Encore presentation.)