On this installment of StudioTulsa, we listen back to show that first aired in May. At that time, we spoke with the well-regarded Atlanta-based author, Jim Grimsley, who is best known for his novels "Winter Birds," "Dream Boy," and "My Drowning." We chatted with Grimsley about his latest book, a memoir called "How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood." As was noted of this account of the author's rural 1960s North Carolina childhood, per a book critic for The Charlotte Observer: "Excellent.... Layer by layer, young Grimsley sheds his deepest beliefs, prime among them that white skin bestows superiority.... A must-read book." And further, per Bookreporter.com: "Grimsley has a powerful tale to tell, about change and the fears and triumphs that go with it.... Despite the continued crossfire, [the author] and his classmates...desegregated the schools of Jones County and became instruments of its history." You can read more about this interview -- and can access a free, on-demand audio stream of it -- at this link.