On this installment of ST, an interesting discussion with Whitney Phillips, an Assistant Professor of Literary Studies and Writing at Mercer University's Penfield College. She speaks with us about her recent book, "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Mapping the Relationship between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture" (MIT Press), which a critic for PopMatters has called "a strong introductory text on the historical and cultural aspects of trolling [on the Internet, which] offers numerous insights into the logics and ideologies that undergird it. This timely work also opens up an opportunity for much-needed dialogue about the ethico-political implications of online antagonism." Phillips will be giving a free-to-the-public lecture tonight (Thursday the 29th) based on this book. The talk, entitled "LOLing at Tragedy: Facebook Trolls and Memorial Pages," is presented by the Oklahoma Center for the Humanities, and it begins at 7pm in Tyrrell Hall on the TU campus. (More about this evening's event can be found here.)