Not only are we learning more and more about the brain these days -- in ways various, surprising, and remarkable -- but we're also learning more and more about traumatic brain injury (or TBI). Our guest on this edition of ST is Dr. Sandeep Vaishnavi, the director of the Neuropsychiatric Clinic at Carolina Partners, who's also a neuropsychiatrist at the Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Vaishnavi is one of the authors of the newly released book, "The Traumatized Brain: A Family Guide to Understanding Mood, Memory, and Behavior After Brain Injury," from Johns Hopkins University Press. It's a book that aims to, as noted in its Foreword, "challenge and encourage the reader. Whether an interested lay person, a caretaker, a family member, or a professional in the medical, nursing, or social work fields, readers will find this pioneering book a useful guide to the complexities of traumatic brain injury." One thing that might set this book apart from others of its kind, as Dr. Vaishnavi states on our program, is how it's aimed at families...not just at experts or individual victims. Indeed, as a book reviewer has noted for Library Journal: "Individuals who have experienced a TBI, as well as their families, will find this book useful and comforting, both for its clear explanations and its clinical guidance."