(Note: This program originally aired in June of last year.) On this installment of StudioTulsa, we speak by phone with Thomas Fleming, a prolific historian and historical novelist who has contributed articles to American Heritage, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, and other magazines -- and who has written more than 50 books. Fleming tells us about his newest work, "The Great Divide: The Conflict between Washington and Jefferson that Defined a Nation." As was noted of this volume in a starred review in Booklist: "Fleming looks beyond the standard history of the founding and early years of the nation to detail the contrasts in the backgrounds and personalities of [both Washington and Jefferson].... [He offers] a fascinating look at American history from the perspective of personal relationships and political ideals." You can learn more about this book -- and can access a free, on-demand mp3 stream of our interview with its author -- at this link.