On this installment of StudioTulsa, we speak with Dr. Charles E. Ziegler, who is Professor of Political Science as well as Distinguished Research Scholar at the University of Louisville. He specializes on the domestic, foreign, and security policies of Russia and Eurasia, and he recently gave an address at the Tulsa Committee on Foreign Relations entitled "Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect: The Rest Against the West?" Dr. Ziegler has published over eighty book chapters and articles for such leading journals as International Studies Perspectives, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Science Quarterly, British Journal of Political Science, and Strategic Studies Quarterly. Ziegler is also founder and Senior Scholar of the Center for Asian Democracy, and he was Project Director for a U.S. State Department-funded program on building a civil society in Kazakhstan. He spoke with us about America's present role in the world -- as a super power, of course, and also as an "interventionist" power -- while he was here in town.