On this edition of ST Medical Monday, a detailed discussion of how being "housing insecure" can seriously and negatively affect an individual's -- or a community's -- health and well-being. Our guest is Dr. Megan Sandel of Boston Medical Center, who is also an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health. She's given many lectures over the years with titles like "Housing and Health" and "The Housing Vaccine: Why Stable Decent Affordable Homes Keep Communities Healthy" -- and her 1999 book, "There's No Place Like Home," documents how asthma, lead, injuries, homelessness, food insecurity, chronic disease, and educational attainment can all be affected by one's housing situation. As a nationally recognized expert on housing and child health in particular, Dr. Sandel tells us about how housing influences health outcomes in myriad ways, and at all levels of society.