(Note: This show originally aired back in October.) Our guest on this installment of ST Medical Monday is Dr. Victoria Sweet, an associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who's also a prize-winning historian and a Guggenheim Fellowship recipient. She joins us to discuss her book, "Slow Medicine: The Way to Healing." This work, part candid memoir and part well-informed critique, argues for an across-the-board "slowing down" of the practice of medicine in America. As noted by a critic for The Atlantic: "Anybody considering medical school, or already toiling there, has to read this book. Everyone else should, too.... [Sweet's] memoir of growing slowly into her calling is about learning not just to save lives but to make a life.... Her personal odyssey is more stirring than any polemical manifesto could be." And further, from Booklist: "Sweet provides a strong and necessary tonic as health care, in all its complexities, remains at the center of the national conversation."