On this edition of StudioTulsa Medical Monday, a discussion about fighting opioid addiction at the individual, societal, and legal levels. Our guest is the successful OKC-based trial lawyer, Reggie Whitten. He'll be a co-lead counsel for the State of Oklahoma in an upcoming lawsuit against four different Big Pharma firms; that trial is set to begin in May of next year. Whitten's stake in the lawsuit is also quite personal; in 2002, he lost his son, Brandon, to a car accident triggered by Brandon's addiction to prescription drugs. For the past several years, having been wrecked and then ultimately quite motivated by this tragedy, Reggie Whitten has been speaking to hundreds of groups, sharing the terrible saga of his son's addiction with thousands of people. Thus Whitten has travelled the world -- and initiated charitable foundations -- in order to help people both learn about and avoid the modern-day epidemic that is opioid addiction.
ST Medical Monday: Battling Big Pharma in the Courtroom -- A Chat with Reggie Whitten