Our guest is Roger Thompson, a Tulsa native and nonfiction writer who also directs the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Formerly, Thompson was a wilderness canoe guide in Minnesota; later on, he founded an environmental program in Banff, Alberta, Canada. His newest book, which he told us about recently while visiting Tulsa, grew directly out his longtime appreciation of outdoor exploration. That book is "No Word for Wilderness: Italy's Grizzlies and the Race to Save the Rarest Bears on Earth." Carefully researched and engagingly written, the book profiles two different populations of bears in Italy: one being the last survivors of a bygone era, and the other being an experiment in "re-wilding." For those who love great nature writing as well as those who are concerned about the world's endangered species, this surprising book has much to offer.
"No Word for Wilderness: Italy's Grizzlies and the Race to Save the Rarest Bears on Earth"