classical 88.7 | public radio 89.5
Your contribution to Public Radio Tulsa really makes a difference; without the support of listeners like you, Public Radio Tulsa wouldn't exist and NPR wouldn't have a local outlet. Trusted local news and information would disappear. Each contribution helps keep Public Radio 89.5 and Classical 88.7 on-the-air and streaming to computers, smartphones, and tablets by paying the electric bill, transmission costs, salaries for content creation and station maintenance, and program purchase fees.Public Radio Tulsa members receive the inside track through our upcoming electronic newsletter, the first chance for seats at special Public Radio Tulsa events and tax benefits for your charitable donation, as detailed in the tax summary sent each January.Become a member by donating any amount to Public Radio Tulsa, any of several ways. Simply write a check for any amount to Public Radio Tulsa and mail it to Public Radio Tulsa at 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK, 74104. Or click the "Support" tab above and choose "Contribute" to donate online. If you'd like to donate a car, click the "Vehicle Donation" tab under the "Support" tab.SponsorshipsWe are often asked the difference between "donations" (listener contributions) and "underwriting" (program sponsorships.)While listener contributions are our largest and most important source of funding, they do not cover all expenses - thus the need for program sponsorships. (Public Radio Tulsa also receives support from the University of Tulsa and The Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We receive no state funds.)NPR does not receive direct funding for what appears on our airwaves; federal dollars funnel through local stations, which individually decide which programs to purchase from what programming sources.Sponsorship is not advertising; there are language limitations, mandated by the FCC. But it's effective because of reaching a unique audience and the short non-promotional nature of the announcements don't drive the audience away.To sponsor a program, call Wayne Blackmon at 1-800-496-8060. Or email him at Here's a list of our current underwriters.

Thanks To All Who Helped During Our On-Air Spring Fund Drive!

It's listeners like you who keep public broadcasting on the airwaves through generous financial support. The Fund Drive isn't over! We're close to reaching our $200,000 goal. Help put us over-the-top. Contribute Online Now.

Read General Manager's Letter

Thank-You Gifts | Read Listener Testimonals

Hear Alec Baldwin's Rant

Our gratitude goes out to these NPR fanatics and organizations who worked behind the scenes to inform you about our financial needs, while interrupting programming the least.

On-Air Studio Guests

Barry Friedman, Bill Nole, Ken Busby, Kathleen Kennedy, Jeff Martin, Michelle McKee, Richard Higgs, Marcello Angelini, and Petronel Malan.

Behind the Scenes

Margaret Duncan, P. Casey Morgan, Rich Fisher, Steve Clem, and Scott Gregory.

Supporting Organizations

Burn & Company barbeque - for providing Thursday's tasty lunch for the fund drive team. Across from TU at 3208 e. 11th St., Tulsa, OK  74104 --- (918) 574-2777.

BNSF - Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Foundation, for providing a $5,000 matching grant on the final day of the on-air drive.

Studio B Pledge Central Volunteers

Susan Apker, Virginia Bailey, Ralph Bendel, Jolinda Brattin, Price Brattin, Kathleen Carlson, Ann Christie, Kimberly Cobble, Louis Coleman, Joanne Davis, Tim Dearhamer, Susan Dergoul, Ann Dunagan, Larry Findeiss, Kelly Friedberg, Ron Friedberg, Sara Griffey, Tom Hoffman, Devre Jackson, Mark Jamison, Caroline Johnson, Jyl Johnson, Rusty Johnson, Domini Jones, George Kastelic, Kathleen Kennedy, Jim Lamb, Janis Lewis, Keith McCartney, Michelle McKee, DJ Morrow, Hannah Newman, Elaine Pikler, George Pikler, Joyce Raper, George Romero, Jay Ross, John Schumann, Mary Spangler, Leslie Sauber, John Sullivan, Julie Tattershall, and Matt Wisnewski.

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