President Joe Biden has declared a major disaster exists in Oklahoma, making federal aid available to those affected by last weekend's severe storms in Hughes, Love, and Murray counties.
Places like the central branch of the Tulsa City-County Library have let residents charge their devices and cool off during power outages.
KWGS brings you up-to-date information on the aftermath of recent severe thunderstorms.
Multiple tornadoes ripped through parts of Texas and Oklahoma, killing one person and causing multiple injuries and widespread damage before the storm system moved on to Louisiana and Mississippi.
Storms are possible Tuesday evening, and early Wednesday morning will carry a chance for severe weather. Karen Hatfield, meteorologist for the National…
The well-regarded historian Niall Ferguson is our guest; his many books include "Civilization," "The Great Degeneration," and "The Ascent of Money." He…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — More than 300,000 homes and businesses in Oklahoma were without electricity Tuesday evening as an early season ice storm blanketed…
Oklahoma is no stranger to severe weather. And now, thanks to a special grant, Public Radio Tulsa is able to broadcast emergency-messaging capabilites on…