On this installment of StudioTulsa, with the Oklahoma State Legislature set to begin its new session on Monday of next week, we check in with David Blatt,…
Yesterday at the State Capitol, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin offered her recommendations to the State Legislature on how to fill next year's estimated…
In Tulsa today, Governor Mary Fallin clarifies her position on a call for a study on possibly legalizing cannabis oil for medicinal purposes. Research…
On May 23rd, the Oklahoma State Legislature approved HB 3399, a bill which would, if it became law, withdraw this state from the Common Core State…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Governor Mary Fallin apparently can't get enough of political conventions, and is planning to head to North Carolina next week for…
LUTHER, Okla. (AP) — Firefighters in Oklahoma have under control a wildfire that's suspected to be the work of arsonists. The fire near Luther burned…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Governor Mary Fallin has tapped a Tulsa woman to advise her on Native American affairs.Fallin announced Tuesday that Jacque Secondine…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin will lead a delegation of seven Oklahoma aerospace companies to the Farnborough International Air Show in England…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin will lead a delegation of eight Oklahoma oil and gas companies to the Global Petroleum Show in Canada.Fallin will be…
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin has vetoed a bill that would have given the director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation more power to set…