"An energetic case for rethinking America's economy in favor of working people." — Kirkus Reviews
This timely and important book argues that our very idea of citizenship must be revised and expanded; indeed, we as a nation need to rethink our notion of citizenship if American democracy is to survive.
"[This book] expands and often upends existing histories by locating the early culture wars not in coastal campuses and think tanks but in Hereford, a small town in the Texas Panhandle." -- Jason Mellard, author of "Progressive Country"
When it comes to global events -- and our government's responses to them -- how is Biden doing?
With Election Day arriving one week from today, we look at two very close contests happening here in the Sooner State.
Today's guest is a professor at SMU who focuses on the links between economic development and migration; his books include "Controlling Immigration," "Understanding Global Migration," and "International Political Economy: History, Theory, and Policy" (forthcoming).
Question: How do closed primaries weaken our democracy? Answer: They produce elected officials who are more accountable to their party than their constituents, they restrict participation while also reinforcing division, and they exclude independent voters (who are the largest, fastest-growing sector of the US electorate).
"Alice Rivlin's practical, optimistic, and inspirational voice shines through in this book, and its message is needed more than ever." -- Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
"[Leibovich is] just so good at this. He is a world-class ranter, continuing an American tradition that includes such dyspeptic luminaries as H.L. Mencken, Hunter S. Thompson, and P.J. O'Rourke.... [He's also] a brilliant interviewer able to wheedle not-quite-admissions from his subjects, who give him all the access in the world." -- The Washington Post
"Arriving at the exact right moment, [this book] charts the course of the region by digging deeply into its history. Lim deftly weaves her way through the ages, arriving at our current time, all the while capturing Hong Kong's soul inside the book's pages." -- Newsweek