How will our evermore digital civilization persist beyond our lifetime? Audio- and videotapes demagnetize; CDs delaminate; Internet art works often link to websites that no longer exist; etc. This book argues that the vulnerability of new media in the art world points to a larger crisis for our social memory.
A chat with the noted contemporary British artist, Dave White.
Notes on race, fashion, border towns, collage, creativity, and zoot suits. And more.
Notes on race, fashion, border towns, collage, creativity, and zoot suits. And more.
Museum Confidential: Season 6, Episode 13.
Museum Confidential: Season 6, Episode 13.
We learn about "Andy Warhol: Lifetimes," which is a career-spanning show currently on view at the Aspen Art Museum.
We learn about "Andy Warhol: Lifetimes," which is a career-spanning show currently on view at the Aspen Art Museum.