Dreary weather may have turned visitors away at first, but the ‘Big Dam Party’ brought thousands of Tulsans together for outdoor activities.
The $48 million project is set to open this summer as officials seek to reassure the public about water quality concerns.
Engineers involved in the planning for the dam assured Tulsa city councilors they are developing an operations plan that will deals with fish being able to pass the dam during spawning seasons.
Anglers and conservationists want Tulsa city councilors involved in determining how a new dam will be operated because they don't see a way for fish to pass.
Anglers and conservationists are pressing Tulsa city councilors to have more discussions on how the new Zink Dam will be operated.Voters in 2016 approved…
Work is resuming on Zink Dam after being on hold more than a month.Project Manager Brooke Caviness told the City of Tulsa’s Sales Tax Overview Committee…
Tulsa City Councilors are less than thrilled with the new Arkansas River pedestrian bridge after their latest look at it.The Gateway Bridge will replace…
While on-shore work has commenced for the new Zink Dam and Arkansas River pedestrian bridge, crews can’t get started in the river just yet.The U.S. Army…
Water in the river.It’s been a Tulsa idea since 1964, and it was still a major theme in community forums held by then-Mayor Bill LaFortune in 2002 to…
The man managing replacement of Tulsa’s Arkansas River pedestrian bridge told a board that oversees sales tax–funded projects its estimated cost has…