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Senator Inhofe Comments on Oral Roberts Passing

Senator Jim Inhofe from file photo.
Jim Inhofe

Washington, D.C. – WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) made the following statement regarding the passing of Rev. Oral Roberts:

"I first remember personally meeting Oral Roberts when my father's company purchased a 3-story building from Roberts in 1965. Since that first meeting, my family and I have had a close relationship with Oral and his family. Oral Roberts put Tulsa on the map with his televangelism. I can remember from my time in the Army whenever anyone heard I was from Tulsa, they immediately recognized the city as the place where Oral Roberts was from. Oral dedicated his life to ministry. He has meant so much not just to Oklahomans, but to many across this nation and world. He will be sorely missed and my thoughts and prayers are with his family."

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