By Rich Fisher
Tulsa, Oklahoma – On this edition of ST, we speak with Robin Rather, CEO of the Austin-based research firm known as Collective Strength, which was recently hired by INGOG as a part of its FAST Forward plan (which is the first-ever regional transit-system planning process intended for Tulsa and its environs). Collective Strength's survey found that, as noted on INCOG's website: "Transportation choices are emerging as a key economic driver for the future of the Tulsa region. More than 80 percent of people surveyed see the cost of driving a car getting more expensive. A similar percent said that investing in transportation infrastructure projects including transit is a good way to create jobs. Those surveyed want nearly half of regional transportation spending go to alternatives to car-centric systems, including rail, bus, bike, and pedestrian facilities." Rather goes into all these findings and facts and figures --- and more --- with us on today's StudioTulsa. (For additional information on INCOG, its FAST Forward plan, and matters related, please visit and