Our guest on this edition of ST is Ken Busby, the Executive Director and CEO of the Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa (AHCT), which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. As everyone who cares about the arts (and the ongoing presence of the arts) in this city knows already, the AHCT has been enriching the cultural life of our community ever since it began in 1961. And now, the ACHT is nearing the completion of its largest initiative ever, the new 42,000-square-foot Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa Hardesty Arts Center (or "AHHA"), which will open in the fall of this year. Busby fills us in on this new structure --- what it will do, who it will serve, how it function, and why it will greatly enhance the already-thriving arts scene in downtown Tulsa. He also gives us the 4-1-1 on this year's Oklahoma Chautauqua, which kicks off today (Tuesday the 5th) on the campus of OSU Tulsa, and which is entitled "Behind the Screen: Hollywood's Impact on American Culture." (Complete details on OK Chautauqua 2012 can be found here; more about the AHCT is at this link.) Also on today's show, our commentator Collin Hinds is reflecting on --- and urging his fellow citizens to fearlessly embrace --- upcoming changes that've been announced as to how the City of Tulsa will collect its garbage.