Some organizations are working to get books in the hands of all kids.
Greig Metzger is the executive director of the nonprofit Little Free Libraries. He spoke today at Eugene Field Elementary School about a new program called "Read in Color" that will add little free library boxes to schools in high-needs communities.
"Every one of those libraries will be full of books that will reflect the faces and the voices of the communities that surround them," said Metzger.
Activist Dr. Tiffany Crutcher was also at the event. She said that while there is still work to be done to combat racism, she's grateful for efforts at positive change.
"Every single person here believes that our children deserve schools that are palaces, homes that are healthy, neighborhoods that are safe, and on the simplest level, they deserve to open a book and see themselves reflected in its pages," said Crutcher.
Dr. Ebony Johnson, Chief Learning Officer for Tulsa Public Schools, was also at the press conference. She said TPS embraces the book-sharing initiative.
Twenty-six schools in Tulsa will have "Read in Color" boxes.