Leaders in Green Country’s Native communities are being recognized by the City.
11 people chosen by the Greater Tulsa Indian Affairs Commission received Dream Keepers Awards Tuesday night at city hall. The awards recognize Indigenous people who’ve made a difference in Green Country.
Tulsa Public Schools Board President Stacey Woolley got a nod for supporting families.
“And we are in a place in time right now where public education is, many would say, under attack. And we’re in a very challenging place with our State Superintendent of schools, but every day we will do our very best. I will do my very best to make sure our students and their families are respected,” said Woolley in a speech given after accepting her award.

Woolley and the other winners got awards in the shape of golden birds. This is the 27th year Dream Keepers Awards have been given to people designated as having exceptional character.

Here are all the awardees:
- Samuel Dennis Jones, Lewis B. Ketchum Excellence in Business Award
- Stacey Woolley, Charles Chibitty Family Community Contributor Award
- Richard Ray Whitman, Will Anque Humanitarian Award
- Owen Hawzipta, Rennard Strickland Education Leadership Award
- Kathy Sierra, Perry Aunko Indigenous Language Preservation Award
- Yatika Fields, Moscelyne Larkin Cultural Achievement Award
- Brandi Payton, Dr. Ralph Dru Career and Professional Award
- Sam Horsechief, Jim Thorpe Sports Excellence Award
- Warren “Junior” Pratt, Red Eagle Sacred Circle of Spirituality Award
- Bill Lawrie Jr., Roberta Pratt Gardipe American Indian Veterans Award
- Scott George, Kenneth Anquoe Lifetime Achievement Award