Our guest is David A. Yovanno, CEO of impact.com, which is a partnership-management platform for helping businesses create, maintain, and scale partnerships with the brands and communities that customers trust. Yovanno tells us about his new book, "The Partnership Economy." As he explains, the growth-potential created by strategic business partnerships continues to increase at an unprecedented pace. This book thus aims to show executives, owners, and managers how to leverage partnerships to build brand awareness, customer loyalty, and a competitive advantage. Yovanno also explores how partnership agreements can work in regard to online influencers, commerce-content publishers, traditional-rewards affiliates, and brand-to-brand partnerships. As was noted by Neil Patel, owner of NP Digital: "[This book] is full of a-ha moments for anyone who's been paying attention to trends in affiliate marketing.... Especially exciting to me was the book's discussion of partnerships for social good."
"The Partnership Economy: How Modern Businesses Find New Customers, Grow Revenue, and Deliver Exceptional Experiences"