Our guest is the NYC-based physician and journalist, Dr. Helen Ouyang. She's an ER doc, an Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine at Columbia University, and a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine. (Her articles have appeared in a number of leading publications.) She joins us to discuss an article she recently wrote for The New York Times Magazine, which appeared in the Jan. 29th print edition. That engaging and well-researched piece is titled "Your Next Hospital Bed Might Be at Home." As Dr. Ouyang writes in the piece: "Hospitals are [not] the ideal places to heal, oftentimes. Infections spread among patients, occasionally with fatal results. The constant alarms and beeps made by all the monitors and machinery interrupt sleep and recovery. Older patients in particular become agitated and confused by the disruptions.... It's no wonder that both patients and clinicians alike might want an alternative to traditional hospital care."
Unpacking a recent New York Times Magazine article: "Your Next Hospital Bed Might Be at Home"

Photo via American Hospital Association
Website = https://www.aha.org/hospitalathome