On this installment of ST, we speak by phone with Jonathan Scott Chinn, a filmmaker who lives and works in New York City, and who formerly worked as the producer of this radio show, from 1999 till 2001. Chinn's first feature film, which he directed, is a newly released drama/comedy called "The Widowers." It tells the story of best friends Jake and Jonathan, whose wives have both died in tragic accidents. When Jonathan drags Jake to a grief counseling retreat for young widowers, they meet an odd if not downright bizarre group of fellow mourners and therapists -- and in the end, the two men uncover a secret that could destroy their friendship. "The Widowers" will be shown here in Tulsa -- in its Oklahoma premiere -- on Friday the 3rd at 9pm at the Circle Cinema (near the corner of Admiral and Lewis); this screening is part of a special "deadCENTER Film Festival in Tulsa" weekend (for which you can find a full schedule here). Also, to learn more about "The Widowers," you can visit the film's website -- and to view a trailer for it, please go here.