On this edition of ST, we are pleased to welcome the noted book critic, editor, and retired librarian Nancy Pearl back to our show. A former Tulsan, she's also the longtime book reviewer for this program, and she can be heard talking about books from time to time on NPR's Morning Edition. Nancy has a new novel out -- it's her first, and it's called "George and Lizzie" -- and it was thus praised by Booklist (in a starred review): "Pearl dramatizes a complicated and deeply illuminating union of opposites and conducts profound inquiries into the self, family, empathy, and love. The result is a charming, edgy, and many-faceted novel of penetrating humor and resonant insight." Please note that Nancy will be reading from this book, and signing copies of it, at a Book Smart Tulsa event scheduled for tonight (Tuesday the 19th). You can learn more about this free event, which will happen at the TCCL's Central Library at 7pm, at this link.
A Debut Novel from Nancy Pearl, Our Longtime Book Reviewer Here on StudioTulsa