On this installment of ST, we learn about a show that recently opened at Philbrook Museum of Art here in Tulsa. "From the Limitations of Now" will be on view through September 5th. It's an exhibit that, as noted at the Philbrook website, offers work by artists based locally as well as nationally in order to reflect "the important ways art and literature allow us to examine America's past and picture a future in which, in the words of renowned Oklahoma author Ralph Ellison, 'we are able to free ourselves from the limitations of today.' Spanning multiple galleries throughout the Museum, the exhibition will feature a range of works, including vibrant tapestries and beadwork, vivid photographs, songs, paintings, and videos. These artworks reflect on the violence of American history, the power of ancestors who worked in the face of violence to forge a more just world, and speculate on visions of a future that is still yet to be." Our guest is Sara O'Keeffe, the Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at Philbrook.