Oklahoma’s spring turkey season starts today and runs through May 16. Hunters can help with research to help the state’s turkey populations thrive.
Thanksgiving will look different this year for all of us. But we will still have our annual Turkey Confidential.This year, because of everything, the show…
Following a recent coup attempt, more than 100,000 people were arrested and dismissed from their jobs in the Republic of Turkey. Turkey is also the…
On this edition of StudioTulsa, we speak with Ted Piccone, a senior fellow in the Project on International Order and Strategy as well as the Latin America…
Turkey has been a vital U.S. ally for many years, but is that going to change in the Age of Trump? And for that matter, what do -- or don't -- Presidents…
"Middle East Meltdown: Causes and Consequences" -- An Address by Former U.S. Ambassador Ryan CrockerOn this edition of StudioTulsa, the Middle East...and how it got that way. We speak with former U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who was once called by…
On this installment of ST, we speak with Blaise Misztal, the director of the National Security Program at the Bipartisan Policy Center, which is a…
On this edition of ST, we chat with the author and journalist Scott Anderson, who has reported from Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Bosnia, El Salvador,…
On this edition of ST, we speak by phone with Mustafa Akyolm, a columnist for two Turkish newspapers whose work has also appeared in Foreign Affairs,…