Tulsa officials are trying to spread the word that kids need to be in school. Listen above for an audio report.
ELIZABETH CALDWELL: In a classroom at McClure Elementary in Tulsa, a fifth grade student is translating English writing into Spanish for his tablemates.
STUDENT: ¿Como que paso como primero el segundo y tecero en orden?
CALDWELL: The students are trying to figure out the structure of a piece of writing. After a few minutes, teacher Ms. Diaz checks on the class’ progress.
ALLIE DIAZ: Gimme a thumbs up if you have number one done. I see Joseph’s done with number one, Anthony’s done with number one, Solange is done with number one.
CALDWELL: It’s lessons like these the school district says too many kids are missing. Here at McClure, only a little over half of the student body is considered to have good attendance. Superintendent Dr. Ebony Johnson says absenteeism is a national crisis and it’s especially bad in Tulsa.
EBONY JOHNSON: So nationwide about 30% of students are chronically absent. In Tulsa Public Schools, that figure sits at about 40%, and across Oklahoma it’s about 20%.
CALDWELL: Johnson spoke alongside Mayor G.T. Bynum, who pleaded for community support.
BYNUM: The reality is, and I’ve had a lot of folks ask me, ‘What can I do to help?’ When it comes down to it, it isn’t rocket science. Let’s get kids in school.
CALDWELL: If you’re a parent, you can share attendance concerns at tulsaschools.org/attend.