(Note: This program originally aired earlier this year.) Food, glorious food --- it's more, of course, than what we eat. Food is memory, family, love, culture, and community. Today on ST, we speak by phone with Lisa Catherine Harper, the Bay Area-based author of the award-winning memoir, "A Double Life: Discovering Motherhood." Harper is also one of the co-editors of a new anthology called "The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage: True Tales of Food, Family, and How We Learn to Eat." It's a collection of 29 personal essays on the close and countless links that exist between our foods and ourselves, our tastes and our family ties, our recipes and our relationships. Here are writings on how children effectively learn (and re-learn) to eat, how food can bring together mothers and daughters (as well as grandfathers and grandsons), how gathering at the table to dine and converse is (whatever one's religious preference) a nearly sacred activity, and how (believe it not) preparing a meal together can even help married couples stay married. The book's contributors include Max Brooks, Jeff Gordinier, Phyllis Grant, Jen Larsen, and Neal Pollack.