Today, Wednesday the 19th, from noon till 1pm in the Allen Chapman Activity Center on the TU campus, TU's Department of Geosciences (along with the Tulsa Geological Society Foundation) will host the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Ethic Lecture. This lecture is free to the public, and it will be delivered by geologist Donald Clarke, who's also our guest on StudioTulsa. Clarke teaches petroleum geology at the University of Southern California and serves as a consulting geologist for several California petroleum companies and cities. He's a long-time member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and has published three geological guidebooks as well as more than 60 papers and abstracts. His presentation at TU --- entitled "Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes: Ethically, How Do We Move Forward and Do the Right Thing?" --- will focus on the induced seismicity of American energy technologies as related to hazards, risks, government roles and responsibilities, and proposed research needs. And he discusses these issues with us on today's show. (Also, please note that you can learn more about Clarke's address at this link.)
TU Hosts a Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Ethic Lecture: "Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes"

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