Carissa Kellerby
Imprint Contributor and LibrarianA lifelong reader of all genres and an aspiring fiction author, Carissa Kellerby has worked at several locations during her 13 years with the Tulsa City-County Library and is currently the manager of the Jenks Library. She also co-hosts a book club and moderates author events with Magic City Books.
As school bells chime the death knell of summer (or if you were like me as a kid, the jiggle bells of an exciting new assortment of school supplies), I’m reminded of a fun subgenre of psychological suspense known as Dark Academia.
At least once per summer at the library, I find a book in our return bin with sand still stuck in the dust jacket...
Although I believe in colorful reading all year, being extra intentional during their assigned month of celebration is a fun way to curate some themed LGBTQIA+ summer reading.
No more “guilty pleasure” reading. Read it loud and read it proud.
Poetry. You either love it or avoid it. Please don’t stop reading this if you avoid it! You’re a story person. I get that. So for you, I have a question. Have you ever read a story….in verse?
During Women's History Month, we honor in all genres, fiction and nonfiction, the powerhouse women who broke down barriers and pushed back against the status quo. What about the other 99.9% of women whose names will never be in a history book?