On this installment of ST, we learn about Paws In Need Tulsa, or PINT, which is a local, volunteer-run nonprofit that raises funds for homeless animals. The funds PINT raises, per its website, help to cover "veterinary expenses, foster supplies, boarding, public awareness and education, [and also] helping homeless dogs and cats escape neglect, abuse, and euthanasia mainly via transport to states [in the northern U.S.] without pet overpopulation issues." Our guests are Andrea Kyle, the founder and president of PINT, and Kerstin Henry, a PINT volunteer, who tell us about the important work this organization does for the Tulsa area's four-legged inhabitants. They also tells us about an all-ages "Rock & Rescue" fundraiser for PINT that will happen at Cain's Ballroom on July 31st.