On this installment of StudioTulsa, we speak by phone with John Kael Weston, who represented the United States for more than a decade as a State Department official. Weston has a new book out -- part memoir, part critique, part military history, and part geo-political reportage -- which he discusses with us today. It's called "The Mirror Test: America at War in Iraq and Afghanistan." As was noted by The Washington Post: "As a former Foreign Service officer, Weston is perfectly positioned to provide a different perspective on these wars' sometimes-particular complexities.... 'The Mirror Test' offers insights into tribal, cultural, and religious dynamics; the limits of military power as a political instrument; the use of drones; the heavy reliance on special operators; and cooperation and failed cooperation among military services, agencies, and allies." And further, per The Decatur Daily: "If you read only one book about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, read this one.... [This is] a great, heart-rending, powerful book you won't forget. You especially won't forget why it is called the mirror test. It refers to a terrible, often repeated event, but as a metaphor for this war it is an insight of tremendous value. Read this work to learn what a mirror test for a man, and for a nation, is."