The Oklahoma State Department of Health and its Office of Primary Care launched a loan repayment program for health professionals working in shortage areas.
Oklahoma is among 10 states in the U.S. where more than two-thirds of rural hospitals lack labor and delivery services, according to a report from the Center for Healthcare Quality & Payment Reform.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health started receiving the doses of the COVID-19 booster shots on Tuesday, and is now recommending the booster to anyone who hasn’t had a shot or the virus in four to six months.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health says it’s at the beginning of a major overhaul.
Interim State Health Commissioner Keith Reed said the federal agency that faulted the state's public health lab for shortcomings related to COVID sequencing also signed off on Oklahoma's improvement plan.
Health officials advise unvaccinated Oklahomans to get their COVID shots and fully vaccinated individuals to get a booster.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services visited the lab for several days in late September as part of the inquiry. The health department has issued a statement but declined to provide the federal agency's report.
Our two guests, both based in OKC, are noted experts: Wanda Felty is with OU's Center for Learning and Leadership, and RoseAnn Duplan is with the Oklahoma Disability Law Center.
Our two guests, both based in OKC, are noted experts: Wanda Felty is with OU's Center for Learning and Leadership, and RoseAnn Duplan is with the Oklahoma Disability Law Center.
The state health department is trying to give Oklahomans a role in investigating their COVID-19 infections.