Gilcrease is now in a state of transition; the museum is being re-thought, re-designed, re-built, re-imagined. Yet some of the artworks housed at Gilcrease are remaining, to speak, out in the open. On this edition of ST, we learn about the Gilcrease in Your Neighborhood initiative, which will have its official launch on Sunday the 23rd at the TCCL's Central Library (although a "soft launch" is underway already). Our guest is Alison Rossi, the Director of Learning and Community Engagement at the Gilcrease Museum. As she tells us, at 31 different locations in and around Tulsa, one artwork will be simultaneously displayed for three months...with three different pieces to be thus displayed to the public over the next year. These three pieces were chosen through an open-to-the-public voting process, as Rossi explains; she adds that the overall aim of this far-flung endeavor is to get as many people interacting with the artworks -- and with Gilcrease -- as possible. More info on this initiative is posted here.
Gilcrease in Your Neighborhood: Learning about a new public-art initiative