We're pleased to welcome back to our program Eileen Ryan Bradshaw, President and CEO of LIFE Senior Services, which is a nonprofit here in Tulsa offering both home- and community-based services in order to promote healthy aging for seniors while also supporting/assisting their family caregivers. LIFE has recently announced a new, all-services-under-one-roof facility, which Bradshaw tells us about -- and which has been thus described at the LIFE website: "The Roma Berry Center will anchor three of LIFE's signature programs that help seniors stay active and independent as long as possible. The 39,000-square-foot building...will be home to an Active Senior Center, Adult Day Health, and the LIFE PACE program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly." Also on ST today, our commentator Mark Darrah -- a writer and longtime lawyer here in our community -- has some cautionary words for those who might be thinking of going to law school.
LIFE Senior Services breaks ground on its recently announced Roma Berry Center for Seniors